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Whatever your business or profession, you can use a website to showcase your work. There are just a few things to bear in mind to get the most out of your website.

Put your best foot forward – design and presentation matter

The user experience of a website (UX) influences how long visitors will stay on your website, how easy they find it to use, what actions they take while they are there, how trustworthy and reliable they see your company, whether or not they make purchases and many other factors.

The design and presentation of your website matter, as well as all the technology behind the scenes.

Make sure your visitors can find what they are looking for – make your showcase, gallery, portfolio or case studies easy to navigate to and navigate around.

Find out more about the MRT Architects website redesign by Bright White Space.

Use your content management system’s category and tag system so prospective customers can easily find examples of your work that matters to them. On the Bright White Space Our Work page you can browse all our case studies or choose just the web design or brand design ones. The MRT Architects site above has lots of specialised categories. 

If you have lots of images to show off

Being able to show off your work with lots of great quality images is a real benefit. Pictures speak louder than words and your prospective clients will love to see some fantastic images.

Here at Bright White Space we could just tell you that our website designs are mobile responsive – or we could show you. Using mockups like these below adds an extra dimension and makes the images stand out.

Depending on your website’s design or content management system there are many different ways of displaying galleries of images. Whichever one you choose it needs to be simple and intuitive to use. If your visitors can’t click through to the next picture easily, or can’t figure out how to zoom in, then they will get frustrated and leave your site.

If you don’t have lots of images

You or your company might not do very visual work so you might think showcasing your work like this isn’t for you. But you can still have a visually appealing portfolio section to your website.

With text-heavy reports or articles you can design an attractive front cover to display on your site. Here on the Act on Energy website their reports look bright and interesting.

Find out more about the Act on Energy website redesign by Bright White Space.

Using the logos of websites, TV channels, or newspapers that you have been featured in is great for showing your credibility but you can do more by linking to the pieces or writing a more in-depth article about the work you did.

Again, on the Act on Energy website they have a write-up of the work for each of these clients, prominently showing the logo.

Even without any of these visual touches a clean, fresh website design helps your work stand out.

The Association of Financial Mutuals have a resource-heavy website with lots of articles, reports and information for their members. Clear navigation and lots of white space on the page showcases their work perfectly.

Find out more about the Association of Financial Mutuals website redesign by Bright White Space.

A website is one of the best ways to reach new customers and showcase your work. If you want more ideas have a look at websites designed by Bright White Space.
